Purchase Pocket Stars PC via the RegNow secure
server. After purchase, you'll immediately receive your Registration Code and
a copy will be emailed to the address you provide.
$19.95 USD
Or, install a 15 day free trial version:
- Trial Installation
- Click the above link, then "Save" to download "PocketStars.msi".
- You will need to be logged on to your system with administrative privledges to install
Pocket Stars PC.
- Run this file on your PC to install Pocket Stars PC.
- Click Start.Programs.PocketStars
- If you've purchased a Registration Code, enter this on the Menu.Help.Registration
page when running Pocket Stars SP.
If you've installed the trial version, you can use all the features for 15 days.
After 15 days, you'll be gently nagged to purchase, but most features will continue
to operate.
If you purchase a registration code after installing the trial version, there's no need to
redownload. Just enter the registration code provided when you purchase at the Menu.Help.Registration page.
Trial Version
Money Back Guarantee