2D and 3D Views
2D View
When Pocket Stars starts up, it displays an overhead view of the sky. This
is called the "2D Star Chart" mode.
To select a single body or star simply
click on the screen. A green square is drawn to highlight the selection,
and live measurements of the calculated altitude (Hc) and azimuth (Az) are shown
in the upper left corner along with the magnitude (M).
To scroll the sky, just drag
the selection.
To zoom, use the plus and minus magnifiers
or use the fast zoom slider at the lower right.
The home button repositions the viewing point to directly over the users
position, removing all pan and scroll effects.
3D View
Select "3D Orrery" mode from the menu to view the entire solar system and background
stars and constellations from any point in the solar system.
In 3D mode, drag the screen to rotate the entire solar system.
The zoom controls are used to set
the viewing distance from the sun.
You can switch between 3D and 2D views at any time - even when animating.
Compass Indicates and changes
which compass direction is shown at the top of the display. The yellow line
indicates North. Click within the red circle and then drag the yellow line
to point in the direction of North.
Using this control, you can rotate the star chart 360°.
Star Magnitude Use the Star
Magnitude listbox to control how many stars are shown. When first getting
oriented, select a low Magnitude number like 2 or 3.
Magnitude |
Number of Stars |
0 |
4 |
1 |
15 |
2 |
48 |
3 |
170 |
4 |
513 |
5 |
1604 |
6 |
5023 |
7 |
9046 |
8 |
9096 |
Zoom The ZoomIn and ZoomOut
buttons let you control the magnification from 1.0 to infinity.
Home The home button removes
all scroll and panning effects. The stars shown in the green "X" at the center
of the screen are directly overhead.
Objects Displays a dialog controlling
the objects to display on the star chart.

Hint: Orbital Paths
are compute intensive and will slightly decrease the speed of animation.
Clock Displays a menu controlling
time and animation |
By Hour
By Day
By Week
By Month |
Selects the unit of time used for animation and stepping. |
Step +
Step - |
Step one increment of time forward or reverse. |
Animate +
Animate -
Animate Stop
Continuously animate time forward or reverse or stop animation. |
Realtime |
Keep star chart synchronized with the device clock. |
Select... |
Select a particular time.
Tap and Hold
If tap-and-hold on the star chart, a menu is displayed showing frequently
used options which affect the chart presentation.
Zoom - select from a number of common zoom settings.
Horizon - select a horizon to view or zenith.
Horizon.Flip East-West is used to mirror the star chart vertically,
switching the position of East and West. When viewing the screen overhead,
in line with the stars, leave this unchecked. When viewing the chart with
the screen on a tabletop, check this item.
Info... Show information about the selected object.
Center - center the selected object on the screen.
Full Screen - Remove the title bar at the top of the screen to increase the
star chart real estate.
World Pages
Click the World Icon to activate the setup and Sight Reduction pages
shown below.
Latitude and Longitude
The LatLong Page establishes the central viewing point for the
sky as well as the Assumed Position for sight
reduction calculations using a sextant.
There are four different ways to select your position. You can
drag the cursor over the world map, select a country and then a city from the
listboxes, enter your position in degrees, minutes, and seconds, or click on the
GPS button to set your location via a GPS receiver.
The first 4 entries in the city list are "Custom", user
programmable locations which are retained across invocations of Pocket Stars.
You can edit the text designation ("My Backyard") and set Lat/Long either via
clicking on the map or manually entering the coordinates.
The map also displays the position of the sun and portions of the
world in daylight and night.
Time Page
The Time Page is used to set the Time Zone as well as two
different time values.
- The time to use for the star chart.
- The time a moving vessel arrives at the Assumed Position set on
the LatLong page. This value is only used for celestial navigation on a moving
Time Zone contains three options for controlling the local
offset from UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).
- System Clock - use the time zone specified by the device
clock. This is controlled by "Start.Settings.System.Clock".
- Longitude - Uses the current geographical location
(specified in the LatLong page) to calculate Zone Time. While correct for many
locations, this method does not take into account the effect of political
- Custom - Enables a list box to manually set the Time Zone.
DST is a checkbox which specifies whether Daylight Savings
Time is in effect. This control is only enabled for the Longitude and
Custom methods of controlling the Time Zone.
Realtime specifies that the clock in your Pocket PC is
used to set the star chart time when checked. If this control is not checked,
you can select a different particular time, and the star chart is static.
as UTC specifies that the time fields are in Coordinated
Universal Time rather than local time.
Set arrival time at Assumed Position should be selected to
specify the time when the vessel was at the location set on the LatLong page.
This step is only important when calculating a celestial navigation fix on a
moving vessel.
The Environment Page describes the local environmental conditions
of the observer. Although these settings will slightly modify the star chart
display, they are mainly used when performing a celestial navigation fix.
Vessel speed and Course describe the movement of
the vessel.
Height above sea level sets the observation height of the
DIP Short horizon allows observations to be made when the
true horizon is not visible. If you know the distance to a shoreline or other
fixed body, check this box and enter the distance in nautical miles to the
Index correction specifies the required correction to zero
the instrument error of the sextant in minutes of arc.
Temperature and Pressure set the local
conditions which affect atmospheric refraction.
Use STP stands for "Use Standard
Temperature and Pressure", which resets the Temperature and Pressure fields to
their default values.
Disable DIP, index, and refraction calcs (calculations)
let's you input pre-corrected sextant altitude measurements. If checked, this
also disables corrections for refraction on the Alt/Az position
readout in the upper left corner of the main star chart.
Sextant Page
The Sextant Page is used to perform a celestial navigation sight
reduction. Here you can select a body or star for observation, and then input
the altitude measured with a sextant (Hs).
Body and Star fill the listbox with Bodies and
Stars respectively. If you have selected a body in the star chart it will be
displayed by default.
Now sets the time fields to the current time.
Last sets the time fields to the last calculated LOP.
UTC when checked indicates that time values are in
Coordinated Universal Time rather than local time.
Altitude is where you enter the altitude to the body
measured with a sextant. You can enter this as either decimal degrees, or as
degrees and minutes.
Calculate performs for the sight reduction for the given
body, time, and sextant altitude.
The result is shown in red in the lower left portion of the display as a
distance toward or away from the Apparent Position along the Azimuth of the
Save LOP saves the current LOP.
Details displays all of the intermediate results for this
Hint: Clicking on the
red Altitude text fills the (Hs) edit box
with the approximate calculated values for the selected body. This is just to
make data entry easier.
Hint: You can click
on the red text to switch the format of the results:
DD° M.MMM' (degrees, decimal minutes)
DD.DDDD° (decimal degrees)
DD° MM' SS" (degrees, minutes, seconds)
Details Page
The Details Page shows all of the intermediate results used to
perform a sight reduction and calculate a line of position.
Hint: You can click
on the buttons at the bottom of the page to change data formats:
DD° MM' SS" (degrees, minutes, seconds)
DD° M.MMM' (degrees, decimal minutes)
DD.DDDD° (decimal degrees)

LOPs Page
The LOPs (Line of Position) Page is used to calculate an improved
fix from two or more LOPs.
You can select from amongst the previously acquired observations
by checking the associated checkbox.
The results are shown in red text in the lower left corner.
These include:
- Corrected Assumed Position
- Bearing and distance to corrected AP
- Most Probable Position (MPP)
- Standard deviation of measurement error
The standard deviation of the estimated position (sigma) is
expressed in nautical miles. Generally, this value will decrease as the number
of observations increases.
Graph draws a graph of the selected LOPs along with the AP
and FIX.
Details shows the intermediate results for a particular
Remove deletes the selected LOP.
The example shown to the left is taken from the Nautical
Almanac for the Year 2001 page 283.
Hint: You can click
on the red text to switch formats:
DD° M.MMM' (degrees, decimal minutes)
DD.DDDD° (decimal degrees)
DD° MM' SS" (degrees, minutes, seconds)

Graph Page
The Graph Page plots the lines of position enabled on the LOP
page. The Apparent Position is centered on the screen (the blue square), and
the various observations are plotted with the endpoints labeled with the
measurement index (the red lines).
The best fit to the measurements is plotted in green, and is
labeled FIX.
If a speed and course have been set on the Enviro page, the
vessel course is shown as a dotted gray line passing through the fix.
A 95% confidence ellipse is drawn centered on the FIX. The shape
of the confidence ellipse depends only upon the number of observations and the
distribution of the observations in azimuth. The size of the ellipse depends
upon the observation errors.
The example shown to the left is taken from the Nautical
Almanac for the Year 2001 page 283.
Hint: You can click
on the graph to get the Latitude and Longitude of any point. Clicking near the
endpoints of any observation displays the details of that observation at the
bottom of the screen.
Main menu dialogs
All of the dialogs in this section are accessed from the View and Calculators
Info Page
The Info Page shows additional information about the selected
body. Tap-and-hold on the main star chart to display the Info page.
Press the "Planet", "Star", or "Messier" buttons to display
objects of each type.
Hint: Use the slider
control in the upper right corner of the screen to scroll rapidly through all of
the bodies. Or use the << and >> arrows in the upper right corner of the screen
to decrement and increment by one.
Rise Set Page
The Rise Set Page show the rise, transit, and set times for all
Select a date using the calendar at the top of the page, or use
the << and >> arrows to move a single day forward or back.
UTC switches the display between local time and UTC.
The bottom line displays either "Standard Time" or "Daylight
Saving Time" depending on the date selected.
Lunar Phase Page
The Lunar Phase Page shows an animation of the phase of the moon
for a month long period.
Select a month to view by using the calendar at the top of the
The graphic at the top of the page shows an animation of the
relative positions of the moon, earth, and sun (obviously not to scale). If you
click anywhere on the calendar, the animation stops and the lunar position is
shown for that particular day. If you click outside the calendar, the animated
display resumes.
Note that in this month, the display shows a
blue moon. The blue moon
definition employed here is the "second full moon in a calendar month" version
invented in March 1946 and foisted on an unsuspecting world by Sky and
Telescope. For a fascinating look at the various definitions of blue moon,
Great Circle Distance Page
The Great Circle Distance Page calculates the shortest distance
between two points traveling over the surface of the earth along with the
initial course from LatLong1 to LatLong2.
Assumed Position loads either LatLong1 or LatLong2 with the current
Assumed Position.
Calculate performs the great circle distance calculation
and initial course. You may select output units of NMi, statute miles, and kM.
Earth Model specifies the shape of the earth used in the
Spherical assumes a perfectly uniform, spherical earth where 1' = 1NMi.
NAD83 (North American Datum of 1983) is an earth-centered datum based on
the Geodetic Reference System of 1980. The size and shape of the earth was
determined through measurements made by satellites and other electronic
equipment; the measurements accurately represent the earth to within two meters.
Range and Bearing Page
The Range and Bearing Page calculates resulting LatLong given a
starting point, along with a range and bearing.
Assumed Position loads LatLong Initial with the current Assumed
Distance may be expressed in either NMi, statute miles, or
Course is expressed in degrees true.
Method allows selection of either "Rhumb line" (constant
compass bearing) or "Great Circle" methods of computation. Both methods will
give identical results for short distances and angles which are multiple of 90°.
Calculate performs the range and bearing calculation. The
Results window contains the resulting LatLong.
Horizon Distance Page
The Horizon Distance Page calculates the visible horizon for both
visible light and radar signals.
Height of eye or radome specifies the eye height of the observer in
either feet or meters.
Calculate performs the horizon distance calculation.
Hint: You can
determine the distance at which an object of known height will be visible by
adding the value to the height of the observers eye.
Example: We're
sailing to Tahiti, and wish to know how far away land can be detected. We know
that Mount Orohena is 2241 meters high, and our eye height is 3 meters. Enter
2244 meters ( 2241 + 3), which gives the result of 98 NMi.
Preferences.General Page
Star chart Time format controls the format in which time
is displayed in the upper right corner on the main star chart. Choices are
"Local Time", "Local Sidereal Time", "UTC", and "Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time".
Smart Zoom if enabled, automatically sets the star
magnitude control on the menu bar as the chart is zoomed in and out to reduce
screen clutter.
Small Fonts uses a smaller font on portions of the star
Show Altitude/Azimuth (else RA/Dec) if enabled shows
Altitude/Azimuth in the upper left corner of the star chart. Otherwise Right
Ascension and Declination are displayed.
Preferences.Colors Page
Preferences.Colors is used to skin or customize all of the
colors used to generate the 2D Star Chart and 3D Orrery display.
Black/White/Red are choices in the first listbox which
allows selection between three different color schemes. Each color scheme is
independent from the others and can be individually customized.
Default returns the selected color scheme back to the
original settings after user confirmation.
BackgroundSky... is a listbox containing the names of all
the elements on the star chart. To customize an element, select it in this
list, then either:
RGB enter the RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color components for
the element (0-255).
Choose Color displays a color selection dialog where a
color may be selected for the element.