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Alaska 2001  Leg 4
Petersburg to Juneau

June 19 to
June 27

Mary Lynn and Xannie flew to Petersburg and we spent a week with her brother Dug and family at their cabin just south of Petersburg. 
ML near LaConte glacier.
Xannie on the beach, looking east toward LaConte glacier from Dug and Sue's cabin.

The white spots on the water in the distance are icebergs which have broken off of LaConte glacier.

Dug spends 50% of his time hauling stuff up and down the beach at low tide.

Xannie, Isaiah, and Christian with Snorkel stove.
The cousins.
Despite appearances, I am actually wearing a bathing suit.
Seal snoozing near LaConte glacier.

We saw hundreds of seals and newborn pups on the ice. 

Dug saving a seal trapped in a hole in the ice.
A wet picnic in front of Dug and Sue's cabin.

Highlights: Huge number of Sea Otters between Excursion Inlet and Bartlett Cove.


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