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Alaska 2001  Leg 5
Juneau to Glacier Bay

June 29 to
July 1

Judy Oyama, John Neary, and their daughter Iris rendezvoused with us at Glacier Bay National Park.  We spent a week cruising the park with them, using their runabout to explore the northern reaches of the park.


Judy and ML climbing up onto Reid Glacier.


Iris and Xannie just before the Pepper Spray incident, in which Xannie managed to get Pepper Spray onto her face and into her eyes, causing a half hour of wretched screaming.

John comforting Iris and Xannie who are pretending to be terrified at climbing upon the glacier.


ML at the helm.


Iris and Xannie but no fish.

Highlights: Lots of sea otters between Excursion Inlet and Gustavus.  All of Glacier National Park.


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