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Alaska 2001  Leg 3
Prince Rupert to Petersburg

June 13 to
June 17

I soloed the leg from Prince Rupert to Petersburg.  Crossing Dixon Entrance from Prince Rupert to Ketchikan was a 13 hour ordeal, with the wind generally from the south and moderately large swells and rain.  Great sailing, but I learned not to try wing on wing with large following seas and no whisker pole after experiencing  a couple of nasty jibes.  

Meyer's Chuck is a great stopover, a tiny enclave with perfect protection, and cabins perched on rock outcroppings above the water.  The post office (which was never actually open when I was there) is reached via an isthmus which covered with water at high tide.


Highlights: Meyer's Chuck, Porpoises playing in the bow wake for miles entering Kindergarten Bay on Etolin Is.

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