I'm ready to start testing a new version with GPS support. So if you have either an external GPS device, or a PDA with GPS built in, it would be great if you'd volunteer to be a tester.
At present, Pocket Stars only supports GPS devices which are accessible via COM ports 1-7.
All volunteers who submit feedback will be rewarded with a free version of Pocket Stars upon release.
I'd offer to beta test the PC version but I don't think my DeLorme GPS would work. While they claim it's NMEA compliant, but it will only work with their products. I never got it working with Mappoint.
Their is a problem in there^^ there is only COM1 to COM11 without 12~ still trying~~ and what is use "Windows Location Services (LBS)" what is this...??i can't use it??
Oops, I'll add in COM12:, but it sounds like CE only supports ports numbered COM0: to COM9:.
The "Windows Location Based Services" is a placeholder for when Microsoft finally enables it's internal GPS or assisted GPS or cell tower triangulation location services.